
The Push-Pull Relationship

I found this article years back and I really think that more people need to remember things like this. People always go to calling the other person names and saying things like “my ex is a narcissist” – “my ex is an asshole” – you get the idea here. The truth is that MOST of…

Is the Twin Flame Label a Cult?

I know this question is on many of your minds. Is the twin flame label a cult? Are you involved in the twin flame community & “drinking the kool-aid” so to speak?

Why Money is Not a Bad Thing for Spiritual Businesses

Why the spiritual community needs to stop criticizing those who charge money for their services. Money is not the root of all evil, greed is. And greed does not discriminate. One that is greedy with one’s money would also likely be greedy with something else, if it not be for money. They would be greedy…

Can You Really Love Someone If You Don’t Love Yourself?

What The Saying “You Can’t Love Another Until You Love Yourself” Actually Means & How it Should Be Interpreted Be sure to also check out the video at the end too!! I recently came across something on social media that got me thinking about this topic. Obviously this is something that is always on my…

The Truth About the Twin Flame “Runner” and Twin Flame “Chaser” Labels

Why is my twin flame running? Will my twin flame runner ever come back? Does the twin flame runner still love the twin flame chaser? What is the twin flame runner thinking? If I’m a twin flame chaser should i wait for my twin flame runner to come back? I’m the twin flame chaser and…

Why Your Ego is Not “Bad” and Why You Shouldn’t Try and Get Rid of Your Ego

There’s a common misconception in the spiritual community regarding ego. There’s always the goal to get rid of ego, and label ego as something that is “bad” and something that must be ascended. But how is this showing yourself love? What are you saying to yourself when you say that ego is bad and you…

Why you Shouldn’t Have New Year’s Resolutions

Keep reading or watch the video below! New year, new you right? Not so fast…. Many people want to change something about themselves in order to better themselves in one way or another. Whether it be quitting smoking, losing weight, reducing the time you spend on your phone, or any other change, people sometimes either…

[VIDEO] The Truth About the Twin Flame Signs

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching

Should You Watch Twin Flame Tarot Readings or Buy Twin Flame Psychic Readings?

Make sure to check out the video below the article too! Do you find yourself buying twin flame readings? Or are watching countless twin flame tarot readings online? Keep on reading! Especially if you are feeling stuck in your twin flame journey or feeling like you aren’t making any progress. To start, I want to…

Secrets of a Life Coach and Life Coaching

Keep reading or scroll down to watch the video below 👀 (video premiers on September 24, 2020) I see ads for different types of coaches all the time. I have also been to a lot of coaches’ websites. One of the things they all have in common is pre-recorded classes. Some, all they have is…

[Video] What is Procrastination and How to Stop Procrastinating

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching Don’t be shy, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts!

[Video] The RAW TRUTH About the Twin Flame Label & Other Spiritual Connection Labels

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching Don’t be shy, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts!

My Very First YouTube Video is Live! How to Choose A Good Life, Relationship, Spiritual, Twin Flame, Coach & Avoid Scam Artist “Coaches”

Make sure that you all Like & Subscribe & become part of my Spiritual Badass crew Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my website:

The Top 10 Best Positive Affirmations for Women

Keep reading or scroll down to watch the video below 👀 (video premiers on October 8, 2020) I have seen a lot of lists of positive affirmations that are supposed to just be for women, 50 positive affirmations for women, 100 positive affirmations for women, 20 positive affirmations for women, but nine times out of…

What NOT to do in a Twin Flame Connection

Before you continue, please read my previous post regarding this topic at: This needs to be said over and over again, especially now that Megan Fox said something about Machine Gun Kelly being her Twin Flame, giving the label more exposure and making the label more mainstream. Labels and definitions do matter. We need…

Silence: How to find truth

It was in his silence that I had found the only voice that had ever mattered. My own. It was with this silence that I didn’t have anything else besides me, myself, and I. I realized exactly how I was treating myself. I finally was able to hear myself. And I wasn’t treating myself too…

The #1 Thing Most Humans Forget About

Keep reading or scroll down to watch the video 👀 Nature. You would think that, since we are reminded about it every time we take a look outside, the trees, the sun, the clouds, animals, you name it, that we would remember how we are not separate from nature. We as humans are still restricted…

Meditation Techniques – Body Scan — Together Mindful

Meditation Techniques – Body Scan One of the most valuable, and yet often overlooked, techniques you can add to your meditation is a body scan. It allows us to ‘look inside’ to get a picture of how the body is feeling, both physically and emotionally. In fact some meditation teachers even describe it as being […]…

What is Procrastination [truly] & How to Stop Procrastinating

Well I guess it’s pretty ironic and only fitting that for my post about procrastination, I would procrastinate on typing it.  I was thinking about this topic a lot when I created the title for it and sat on it, intending to actually write something for at least a month, if not more. I was…

Patience: What does it mean & how to be more patient

One of the issues facing today’s society is instant gratification. We want, and we want it now. We are more focused on the end result, the destination rather than the journey that it takes to reach it. We cringe when our online orders take more than three days to reach us and when a company…

What does it mean to be spiritual?

Make sure you also checked out the video below too! What does being spiritual mean to you?  What do you think of when you hear the word “spiritual” or “spirituality.”  When some people think of spirituality, they think of religion, or they think of crystals, vegetarianism or veganism, tree hugging, not shaving for females, or…

My Perspective on Perspectives

Life is an illusion, but it’s also not.  The nature of duality makes it so.  You see the world through your current perspective.  You are the universe experiencing itself.  As other people see it through theirs.  This is why sometimes when we think of our past, we “want to go back” even if, in those…

Light & Dark

Light cannot exist without dark. Dark cannot exist without light. The universe created darkness so that we could see the light. When you experience something bad, something dark, the universe is trying to show you light!  Next time something happens that seems like it’s bad, see what kind of light comes from it! The universe…

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

Make sure you check out the video below too!! If you had everything that you ever wanted in life…would you be able to accept it?  Or would you find a way to somehow get into a thought process, a pattern, that would lead you to self sabotage? Quite often, we tend to tell ourselves that…

How to Cope With the Unknown: 3 Ways to Cope

I really don’t like those “3 things that….” type of posts, and even though this isn’t close to those posts that tell you something like “If he does these 10 things he loves you” – I still feel a bit mehh about making this post.  But, the current global events got me inspired. A lot…

How to Align Your Head & Heart

In my last post I mentioned having your ego and your spirit be in alignment (  Being in alignment with yourself.  In order for you to truly love yourself, your ego and your spirit need to be in alignment.  In my opinion, the spiritual community focuses a lot on just moving from your head {ego}…

The Spiritual Ego

Make sure to check out the video below for more! I wanted to write about this for a while now.  The good ole spiritual ego.  The spiritual ego is anything that would be considered spiritual that is not based in spiritual fact, the bare bones of it, free from any mind concepts, or at least…

Vulnerability: What Does it Mean to be Vulnerable?

If you want to know whether or not you are willing to be a vulnerable person, the only thing that you need to ask yourself is this:  Who knows the real you?  The true you.  Do you even know the real you? Being truly vulnerable requires one to know oneself, one’s true self [see my…

Confessions of a People Pleaser: How to Identify & Heal People Pleasing Behaviors

Make sure you also check out the video below too! I don’t think I ever considered myself to be a “people pleaser” until I started to take a look into myself.  I had always just considered myself to be extremely self-less and just a nice person.  I did not realize what my people pleasing stemmed…

What is Jealousy [truly] & How it Affects Relationships

I have seen a sort-of trend in today’s dating world.  Maybe it’s just in my area, but I believe that it is more wide-spread.  There’s this notion out there that if someone is checking up on you 24/7, not letting you see your friends and/or family, being possessive, and being outright jealous, is some kind…

How to Listen Effectively

One of my latest posts was about effective communication  But communicating effectively is a two way street.  That means communicating effectively and listening effectively.  Sometimes you can tell exactly what someone is really trying to say by listening effectively enough.  Listening effectively can also pertain to someone’s actions. This might sound contradictory to some,…

How to Communicate Effectively

Related: How to Listen Effectively A lot of arguments stem from ineffective communication.  Have you ever heard an argument being started because someone made an innocent comment to another, but the other person translated that comment in their own mind to be something that it did not mean?  For example, if a husband and wife…

True Self-Love

Many people say that in order to love another, you must love yourself first.  But a lot of people don’t fully know what that means.  Ask yourself, what do you do to show yourself love?  People would answer with things like, “I make sure that I take time to relax, go get my nails done,…

What is Dynamic in Connection?

What does the word dynamic mean to you as it relates to connection?  Your connection to other people?  Most people would define it with definitions that connect one person’s actions causing another persons actions.  This is not the case.  Dynamic in connection is the/a state of being that co-exists and interacts with another state of…

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

When we “don’t know what to do” often it’s not that we don’t know what to do, we often do know what we want to do, but there is conflict in that “want to do.” What is that conflict? Where does it stem from, what’s the root? And how can you move through that conflict…

How Fear Disguises Itself

Fear is an illusion, especially emotional fear (fear of being emotionally hurt by another person) created by the mind to keep you going in circles, a story you tell yourself to give you a false sense of control so you can constantly self-sabotage and you won’t even know it unless you’re conscious of it. Fear…

"Woke AF"

Dear Society, being “woke” has nothing to do with being PC. Being “woke” is the complete opposite of trying to control your surroundings. It’s the complete opposite of trying to force your will upon others. It’s not about trying to fix an inner problem or problems with an outside solution. It has very little, if…

How to Heal Your Pain

Pain is not something I ever thought I would write about, maybe a little bit at some point, but I never thought that I would have this much to say until my understanding of my own pain finally came full-circle and I was able to not only understand it all, but also articulate it in…

How to Differentiate Ego v. Intuition

Where do your opinions come from?  About yourself – about the world around you?  How did you come to perceive this world, this universe in the way that you do?  I remember when I was young, I would have these little intuitive “blips” (if you will) little things that my heart, my soul was telling…

Y.O.U. Spells YOU!

What you seek can only be found within yourself. You have the power to be as you wish to be, live as you wish to live internally. It is in that place where your universe resides. The universe, YOUR universe only lives inside of YOU.  External circumstances are a reflection of the internal circumstances.  Seeking…

Meditation Myths and Tips for Starting Out

Make sure you also check out the video linked below too! There is so much information out there on meditation. This kind of meditation and that kind of meditation.  When it comes to the topic, things can get quite confusing!  I first became interested in it quite a few years ago. I would go on…

Friendly Update

Hello everyone!  My apologies for not having posted in a while, I was pretty busy and lately I have been taking some time for myself.  BUT I am slowly starting to get back into action.  I will admit, I have been sort of lazy.  I have tons of stuff in the vault just waiting to…

How to Meet Your True Self

I have thought A LOT about this post (no pun intended lol).  In fact, it’s probably been months that I’ve been trying to get my thoughts about this in order in a way to get my thoughts about this “out there.”  I really wanted to do a post about this, but I found myself unable…

How to Be Fully Present

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching What does being present mean to you?  How in your life do you…

What is SpiritYOUality

There’s a reason that there’s a “U” right smack dab in the middle of it. Some may view it in religious or mystical terms, but what does spirituality actually mean?  What does it mean to be spiritual? Although any definition will suffice for each individual, as you will see, spirituality is about self and your…

Are You an Enemy to Yourself?

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching How much of the enemy are you to yourself?  When you think you’re…

Do You Have an Addiction To Answers?

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries lately on crop circles. Many people…

Does the Future Really Exist?

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching I started watching a documentary tonight and the phrase “the future is now”…

How Often Do You Give Your Own Power Away to Others?

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching Welcome to the par-tay! You would think that, with the addiction humanity has…

How Much do You Try to Control?

Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session. You can also check out my YouTube Channel: Pursue You Coaching Spirituality is about, in part, allowing the ebbs and flows of your journey…

How to Validate Connection

Have you ever talked to a friend after having a rough experience?  Wanting them to tell you how horrible it was, wanting them to tell you the same things that you are telling you about that experience? Why aren’t your own feelings about that experience enough?  Why do you seek external validation for your experience?…

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Think Positive

Make sure to check out the video at the end too! It’s a common Newer-Agey Self-Helpy subject that says we should always be thinking positive.  That nothing “bad” will happen to us if we just have the right mindset.  Although this is true.  Your perception DOES make your reality and in no way am I…

The Truth About Labels

Labels are of this world, but what we use them for are things that are not of this world.  Labels, descriptions, any other kind of word that you can use that is similar to the word “label”- they are all one and the same.  We use them in our lives in order to communicate with…

A Secret About “The Secret”

Keep reading and/or watch the video below! The 2006 movie and book “The Secret” spells out the Law of Attraction, giving out instructions as well as examples of success in following the Law of Attraction, in a “too good to be true sounding success” type of way a bit if I must say.  As much…

What is True Strength?

What does it truly mean to be strong? What does strength look like? Some might say that holding your emotions in, not crying when you feel sad and want to cry or holding other things in. Instead of speaking your mind you just “take the hits” that you get and you deal with them as…

The Difference Between Truth & Honesty

Continue reading and watch the video below for more! Do you see truth and honesty the same?  Would you come up with the same definitions for each word?  Honestly, the truth is – these two words are not the same.  Do you see what I did there?  🤓 The truth is your truth.  The truth…

Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Time to Heal

Everybody knows the saying, time heals all wounds.  But what if this is not the case?  What is time anyways and how does it heal?  What is that time doing to or for us that makes us heal?  The truth is, time doesn’t heal wounds.  Time only exists in the mind.  So, if time does…

What is Pain?

What comes to your mind when you think about pain?  Do you think about it and wish that you never had to feel it ever again?  When you feel pain, what do you do with that pain? They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  How many…

Listening to Understand v. Listening to Reply

I would say that this quote is commonly known.  It is true.  But one day, it randomly came to my mind; what if I am not doing this for myself?  When I am listening to myself, am I listening to understand or am I listening to respond/react?  I found that, although I typically attempted to…

What does it take to live our full potential?

What does it take in order to become who we truly are deep within us?  What can we do to help ourselves get out of the prisons we create for ourselves through ego?  We have everything that we need for us at all times.  You don’t need anything outside of you to show you who…

Change Yourself; Change the World

Find your happy place. Let it enter your heart and fill your soul with great joy. Let that feeling reside within you. Let it be accessible whenever you please. Let it give you peace and shelter you from any storms that rage on the outside. Let that peace be your saving grace. Hold it in…

What are the Levels of Thought?

We have more than one level of thought.  There are thoughts that live out on the surface of our being, they are active and easy to detect.  When we are debating on taking one route or another on our way to work we think to ourselves “I wonder which route is the fastest.”  Or when…

Moments: The Building Blocks of Life

Life is a series of moments; all jumbled together.  We know that both the past and the present are just simply illusions, so why do we put so much focus and so much emphasis on these illusions that yet, still live in the present moment?  Each moment brings an infinite number of possibilities – why…

See the Rainbow – Taste the Rainbow

When it comes to lessons that we learn in life, often times we learn in within our head and say “well I know that (insert knowing here)” but then how often do we go out and actually integrate this lesson into our lives?  Lessons not only need to be learned and known but they also…


Hatching out of my shell, I will pierce through and walk without fear.  Pain can be inspirational, but so can love. Check out my blog’s Facebook page and Pursue You Coaching Facebook page for more information and join my Facebook Group or contact me at for a FREE 30 minute session.

Soul Song 🎶

Do you hear that?  It’s the sound of your soul, your song.  It’s starts out as a blunt deep repetitive piano rhythm.  Over and over, the same beat sounds.  It keeps repeating and repeating and repeating and repeating.  Your soul keeps this beat, locked tightly away inside.  Nobody else can hear it.  But then, an…

Note to Self

I want you to know that I love you.  You are such a great person and you have a lot of qualities that are admired by others.  You have come such a long way from where you started and I know that you can tell the difference.  Please do not think that this progress is…


Stay within the present moment my dear, that’s the place which things will be clear. It’s never about trying to fight your happiness when going through pain, it’s about feeling the pain, every single inch of it and finding your peace within it all. No, it’s not about replacing your pain or negativity with happiness…


Control.  How much control do we actually have over our lives?  How much can we actually do physically?  How much can we do in our inner world?  What about fate and destiny?  If we do have control, do we have absolute control?  I think it all ties into one another, like a chain effect.  I…

Vulnerable Stillness

You are beautiful, dear soul.  Please do not let anyone from your past dictate how you feel about yourself, any such thoughts are just simply not true.  I know that it gets rough sometimes and the lows are hard to handle, but I promise that you will be okay, as I always say.  I promise…

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

Do you feel that love burning inside of you?  It is always there and it will always be there.  The love never goes away.  You have the love within yourself.  Forever and always.  It is always the love that you give to yourself in which you feel.  You do not feel others’ love for you.…

November 20, 2015

Speak what is in your heart dear child.  Do not let anyone or anything hold you back from your truth and your heart.  Your path is not easy and I understand that.  Do not give up, never give up.  You will get your relief I promise, and all that you go throuh today will make…

How about a mind boggle?

How can you describe a love that makes you feel like you’re losing yourself, but that loss being just an illusion to the truth.  That truth being that the loss of yourself is truly a gain of yourself, your true self.  It’s so paradoxal.  And it rings true with the polarity of this universe.  What’s…

You are everything

Keep your mind calm, dear soul.  Do not let it wander.  Your wish will be my command, don’t let your running thoughts ruin what is destined for you. You are beautiful dear one and you are exquisitely perfectly imperfect.  Don’t forget that.  You are not separate from everybody.  You are just as much an important…


All is well with your world.  Fight your temptations if they don’t serve your best interests.  I know things are quite confusing for you now but I promise, as I always do that things will get better.  It just takes some time.  Be patient and be at peace.  You know how to do these things…


I know you have traveled a long and difficult road.  Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in our own victimization and say “why me?” but I am here to tell you that this will not last for forever.  I promise you that relief is coming.  You say, “well you’ve told me that before and…

Letting Go

Relax, stop thinking so much. It doesn’t matter how it happened but it did and that’s all in the past now. I am proud of the way you are handling it and remember, everything happens according to plan. This was all part of your journey – accept it and move forward without dwelling too much.…

Let the Story Unfold

Dear little one, do not worry.  Remember that what appears good is not always good and what appears bad is not always bad.  I am always with you.  Just close your eyes and you will feel me.  You are beautiful, don’t you forget that.  Remember that life is not planned out as a repetitive cycle,…

Live Now

Remember to live in the present moment. You have strayed from this lately and that’s okay. It’s part of the plan but now’s the time where you need to work on yourself and get back to that state of mind. I know you can do it, you are determined, but it won’t come easy as…

You Are Not Crazy

I want to speak with you. You have gone through a rough patch recently – and all of that is absolutely okay. You are not crazy my dear. You are perfectly fine and what you are feeling and experiencing is REAL. Don’t forget that. Let it all go. You have the power to have anything…

Focus on the Positive

Good job keep up the good work. You are doing excellent. Stay patient and positive. Believe and trust. I know that it’s hard sometimes and lately your “head” is really starting to get you, but just relax and trust. Think about all the reasons you should trust us, not reasons not to. Sometimes one bad…

Love is Everything

Love is everything. Love is all that there is. The base of the survival of the human race is love, at its very core. Be patient with yourself and others. Remember that there is only love and we are all one – love. Sometimes things get tough, we must be patient. Everyone has their own…


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